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Art Direction: Photographic Curation and Book Design

Final Major Project
BA Creative Direction for Fashion, LCF; UAL.
Submitted: April 2020 [Realised]

Based on the insight “phone snapshots are Gen Z ’s visual language” found through research, I produced a printed photobook compiling phone snapshots of 50 Gen Z worldwide shared on Instagram as a documentation of our generation’s worldview and photographic expression.
The physicality of the photobook aims to augment phone snapshots, encouraging a slow thoughtful interaction in order to challenge the potential of this now-prevalent form of photography. The snapshots that have been selected through my eyes as Gen Z editor are those in which interesting and truthful “eyes” of the observer are present. Editorial vision:
As capitalism, consumerism and information society accelerate, the world loses humaneness and becomes emotionless and artificial. We, Gen Z, feel confused about the gap expanding between the world humans built and how we fit in it. Through phone snapshots, Gen Z shows a critical view on the contemporary society while celebrating the now-hidden humaneness in people that spills out unexpectedly at times. The juxtaposition of two snapshots on the spreads throughout the entire book express such conflict and contradiction of artificial vs humane in Gen Z’s mind.